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 Touch Screen Smd Rework Station for sale
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2 Heating Zones Touch Screen SMD Rework Station
1. Product Features of 2 Heating Zones Touch Screen SMD Rework Station
1. After finishing desoldering & soldering, there is an alarming. When the temperature goes beyond control, the electric circuit can cut off automatically , with over-heating protection.  
2. Use a powerful cross-flow fan to cool the PCB rapidly to prevent it from deformation and ensure the welding effct.
3. Use a V-groove equipped with a flexible fixture for PCB positioning to protect the PCB from deformation when heated or cooled.
4. This machine can be connected to a computer to be controlled more conveniently with a built-in PC serial port and a proprietary software attached to it.
5. For large thermal capacity of PCB/CSP/QFP or other high-temperature and lead-free welding requirements, all can be handled easily.
2.Specification of 2 Heating Zones Touch Screen SMD Rework Station
3.Details of 2 Heating Zones Touch Screen SMD Rework Station
1. HD Touch screen interface;  
2.Three independent heaters ( hot air & infrared ) ;
3. Vacuum pen;
4.Led headlamp.
4.Why Choose Our 2 Heating Zones Touch Screen SMD Rework Station?
5.Certificate of 2 Heating Zones Touch Screen SMD Rework Station
6.Packing & Shipment of 2 Heating Zones Touch Screen SMD Rework Station
7.Contact us
8.Related knowledge
Solder paste storage and use of common processes
The solder paste should be stored in a refrigerator. The temperature of the refrigerator should be controlled within 0 to 10°C according to the specifications of the solder paste.
The use of solder paste should follow the "first-in-first-out" principle. Solder paste was warmed at room temperature and sealed for more than 3 hours. Solder paste residence time at room temperature and closed state is less than 4 days. After the temperature is completed, the solder paste bottle is placed in the mixer and stirred automatically for 2 to 5 minutes. Solder paste that has been opened but has not been used up shall not be put into the refrigerator for refrigerating. It should be transferred to other lines for priority use. If the solder paste has not been used up for more than 24 hours after it has been
opened, it shall be discarded as defective products. Do not mix it with fresh solder paste and continue to use it. When adding solder paste, follow the principle of “a small number of times” to maintain the height of the solder paste on the stencil to about 15 cm.
Immediately after the addition, seal the bottle cap to avoid long-term exposure of the solder paste to the air.
Stencil usage, management role guide
Operators need to pick and place steel nets and use them gently during production to prevent deformation of steel nets due to severe impacts. It must be registered when taking and placing stencils. After the stencil is used, it must be cleaned within half an hour. Solder paste residues cannot be left on the steel wire. After the stencil is cleaned, it must be returned to position within half an hour. Steel nets with "cleanable" lettering on the steel net can be machine cleaned. The cleaning time was set to 8 minutes for cleaning and 5 minutes for drying.Touch Screen Smd Rework Station for sale
  2018/11/19 14:43:42
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  2020/7/3 13:42:42
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